Social Issues

A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. It is a group of common problems in present-day society and one that many people strive to solve. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual’s control. Ekata Manch has been contributing towards the society in its own unique manner:

  • Roti bhaji yojana scheme is implemented where in100 people are fed on a daily basis.
  • Installed Community Fridge in the area where fresh food is provided to the people in need
  • Installed bore wells at Madh island.
  • “Langar” ( Distribution of Food) has been run since the last 16 years where 1,000 people are fed every week.
  • Distribution of relief materials to the affected areas during natural calamities as and when required. Relief by Ekata Manch was provided during deluge of 26th July 2005, Earthquake at Bhuj, Floods at Kerala, Kashmir and Maharashtra, and more recently, during the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Seminars are organised for cooperative housing societies as and when required
  • Interactive sessions are organised between police and public on issues pertaining to law and order.
  • Ekata Manch in its initiative to achieve a “Corona Mukt Samaaj” carried out  theme based street plays in the entire city of Mumbai to create awareness amongst the citizens. After the play, leaflets were distributed stating signs and symptoms of coronavirus, precautions to be taken, numbers of helpline centres along with a list of vaccination centres.

Note: Your donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act.