Senior Citizens Program

Senior Citizens Program

Throughout history, older adults have been valued for their insights, wisdom and experience they can share with others. Senior citizens are the pillars of yesterday on whose shoulders the current generation stands.

At Ekata Manch, we provide support to our senior citizens to help them live with respect and dignity. We recognize their enduring contribution towards society and strive to create a space that promotes love, joy and togetherness.

Past & Current Initiatives:

  • Developed an engaging space for recreational activities to promote interaction between senior citizens
  • Organized regular medical check ups
  • Invited Police Personnel for talks on security measures for senior citizens
  • Organized picnics and entertainment programs for senior citizens
  • Seminars for safety and security of senior citizens, organizing entertainment programs, picnics, indoor games facilities ,medical helpline services free yoga sessions

Future Initiatives in the pipeline:

  • Build an old-age home for senior citizens
  • Set up a care-facility for senior citizens who need round-the-clock support
  • Organize awareness campaigns regarding various ailments like Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, etc.
  • Support senior citizens living without any income avenues

