Together we can make a difference by helping towards....

During unprecedented times of the Covid Pandemic, Ekata Manch stepped up in accordance with its motto “We Serve.”

Civic Issues
Civic engagement is key for any thriving society where people take collective action to address issues of public concern.

Animal Welfare
Animals have as much claim to the world as humans. The relentless development of humanity has, unfortunately, often overlooked the needs of our fellow living things.

Women Empowerment
Women are the backbone of our society and country. Swami Vivekananda famously said, “There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on only one wing.”

Senior Citizens Program
Throughout history, older adults have been valued for their insights, wisdom and experience they can share with others. Senior citizens are the pillars of yesterday on whose shoulders the current generation stands.

Communal Harmony
India has always been known for its cultural and social diversity. Secularism and communal harmony are extremely important for inclusive and balanced national growth.

Social Welfare
Many social problems continue to plague our society even today including homelessness, hunger, lack of sanitation facilities etc. It’s imperative for any society to aim at equal and inclusive growth and discharge its social responsibilities towards the less fortunate.

Child Welfare
Child Welfare initiatives are important to keep the health and well-being of children in check, with the goal of improving physical, mental and emotional health of children. Children caught in the cross-fires of exploitation, abuse, neglect or violence definitely require safety nets to help them through their growing years.

Youth Development Programs
During adolescence, young minds transition through a critical developmental phase, rapidly evolving socially, emotionally and physically within a complex world. Youth Development Programs aim to build the competencies, skills and abilities of youth that they need to grow and flourish throughout life.

Medical Programs
The physical and mental health of an individual determines the health of society as a whole. Various medical programs aimed at educating people and creating awareness within the community empower individuals to live healthier lives.

Environmental Concerns
It goes without saying that sustainable growth is the need of the hour in today’s world. We are witnessing first-hand the devastating impact of climate change whether it is in the form of forest fires, floods, pandemics, etc.

Education is undoubtedly the only means which can bring a transformative change in our society over the next few generations. Educating people helps create a society that is aware, informed and capable of taking change into its own hands.

Seminars, Symposiums & Workshops
Ekata Manch regularly holds seminars and workshops on various topics to create awareness amongst members of society as well as help provide a platform to help people address their doubts and queries.

Rewards & Recognition
Appreciation and Motivation is essential to boost the morale of any individual or organization. To appreciate the good work done by like-minded groups, Ekata Manch has always taken a lead in appreciating their work by awarding, rewarding and recognising them.

Government Aid
Appreciation by the government is certainly an extremely rewarding experience for Ekata Manch. Ekata Manch has received essential support and aid from the government to keep up its philanthropic work.